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Here in the UK, our National Health Service (NHS) provides a large range of healthcare services to residents. But more specifically – is chiropractic covered by the NHS? Good question but one without a straightforward answer because… it is, and it isn’t. In other words – it depends!
In this post, we tell you what ‘it depends’ currently means in terms of NHS chiropractic cover. We also shed light on other common questions about chiropractic and the NHS. Will it be available through the NHS in the future? Where do you stand if you want chiropractic care now in terms of the NHS? How do you get it?
So – read on to discover the answers to these and other questions.
The truthful answer is – it’s complicated! You probably knew that already though, if only from the introduction to this post.
Traditionally – chiropractic has not been available through the National Health Service. This is because it has always been regarded as a complementary healthcare therapy.
Fortunately, this perception is changing. Chiropractic care is now far more widely recognised and accepted as an effective therapy for some musculoskeletal conditions. It also has significant acknowledged benefits as a preventative therapy.
As a result, there has been a significant, and positive, shift in how the NHS views chiropractic. Which is great news overall but it does add a layer of complexity to the system.
The main reason the NHS system is complex around chiropractic care comes down to the fact that there isn’t one overriding policy (or not yet at least). Some areas and NHS trusts offer it. Other areas and NHS trusts don’t.
It really does come down to where you live, and the local ICB (Integrated Care Board) policies.
In exceptional circumstances, a GP can also refer you to a chiropractor for treatment covered by the NHS. However, this is an exception and rarely happens unless you’re in an area where the local NHS trust does offer chiropractic care.
To find out whether your local NHS trust offers it, you generally have to contact your local NHS ICB or talk to your healthcare professional.
We don’t know for sure if chiropractic will be available through the NHS in the future. The signs however are positive because:
Further to this, the fact is that the UK population is ageing, with all the health issues that come with that. This will undoubtedly put unprecedented demand on the NHS and mainstream medical system.
However, by shifting focus from treatment to preventative therapies like chiropractics, with its focus on early detection and prevention, the NHS could substantially reduce pressure on hospitals and specialists.
Therefore, it makes logical sense to think that chiropractic will be available through the NHS in the future as part of a prevention-oriented healthcare system.
The best way to get chiropractic care right now depends on your situation. For most Brits, there are several options.
If your situation is urgent, consider booking a private appointment to get your treatment underway as soon as possible. You can then use the NHS option if available, or your private health insurance (if it includes chiro) for long-term treatment.
So – is chiropractic covered on the NHS? The answer, for now at least, is ‘it depends’. On your location and local NHS policies.
But – growing recognition of chiropractic’s cost-effectiveness and suitability for prevention-based healthcare, along with successful pilot programmes, indicate changes may not be too far away.
For the moment though you can explore your options through your local NHS trust, private health insurance, or direct private treatment.
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